Gates swing open at 9:00 AM with Christmas Music playing throughout the day, and a Christmas tree decorated. Santa comes in by Fire Truck at 11am. Along with a Fashion Show at 1pm produced by, The Salty Mermaid Boutique, and Latitude 29 Surf Shop. As the day winds down at 4pm the official Bolivar Peninsula Christmas Tree stays lit throughout the Holiday Season at 1605 Hwy 87, Crystal Beach, Texas at The Pavilion entrance.
Covered Booth Spaces are 10’ x 10’ booths, you may reserve multiple spaces for a larger-than-life sales area. Shoppers from all across the US spend the 3-day Holiday on Bolivar Peninsula so the traffic is fabulous throughout the day. Reservations for booths must be made in advance.
The Bolivar Christmas Market is brought to you by Bolivar Peninsula Tourism and Visitors Center, Bolivar Live, and The Texas Crab Festival Charities. Proceeds raised go to the Texas Crab Festival Charities on Bolivar Peninsula.
Peninsula Sports Park will have Food and Refreshments for all to enjoy as a fundraiser during the full-day event, help support our little league Baseball, and Soccer for the kids on Bolivar Peninsula.
For more information on the Bolivar Christmas Market and Booth Space contact Cathie at,, or 409-684-6231 or visit the Christmas Market webpage.