Advertise with Us

Promote your business, vacation rental or tourism attraction on to a wide array of vacationers, day trippers, event visitors and future home owners. We provide the draw through an informative website, updated and growing weekly, tied into all aspects of social media and providing live streaming webcams from around Bolivar Peninsula. From vacation rentals by home owner, to realtors, restaurants, home builders, shop and store owners and more.

Below you’ll find a package fitting your needs, or give us a call and we can custom tailor a package for you.

Ask us about our discounts for NEW advertisers....

Website Advertising Banners and Business Listings

Webcam Banner, Static. 300x250$150.00 monthly
Display Banner, 970x250 $325.00 monthly
"Bolivar LIVE" Feed Broadcast Advertiser On Social Media and Bolivar Live TV$125.00 Per Feed, apx 48-52 per year

First two line items above included, a webpage on, Business Listing, banner rotating on front page, featured business page and webcam page  Static Banner on webcam page of your choice. The banner is linked to your website if available. All advertising is based on a 12-month contract. Discounts are given for multiple advertising locations. 

Bolivar Peninsula Tourism and Visitors Center Membership

Rack Cards designed and printed for tourism center, Banner with Link on Bolivar Blast News Letter weekly to 6000 plus emails..$350.00 yearly. 

Business Video Ads and Event Ads and Promotions

Complete video ads produced to promote your business and or event.Starting at $450.

Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rentals Package Includes- Bolivar Tourism Membership with custom printed rack cards for Tourism Center and business card sized ad in weekly newsletter to 6000 emailed, Webpage on with photos and links to social media sites and link to webpage, google map on webpage of home location, Listed in business listings, rotating banner on BPT website, banner on webcam, photos of home$140 monthly, discount for yearly payment.

includes photos of home
Ask about our vacation rental videos.

We also have Digital Billboards in Stingaree Restaurant, DownUnder Restaurant, Jose's and The Big Store for more advertising coverage.

Ask about our e-mail blasts to over 6000 emails and "Gabby's Weekend Outlook" free to advertisers for home rentals, business specials etc.

We promote our website and Bolivar Peninsula thru several banners and webpages on travel sites.. 

We market as a business thru Social Media, full-time SEO work, and thru news outlets. We are here to promote for tourism, businesses, events, and economic growth.

Bolivar Peninsula Texas

2275 Hwy 87 Suite 10
Crystal Beach, TX 77650

E-mail Us Directly

To advertise on this site, contact our sales team.

Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

© Copyright 2025, Coastal Outdoors Group, LLC, All rights reserved.
Website by Coastal Outdoors Group